Mushroom Coffee Craze: 5 Reasons Why It’s Worth the Hype

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Written By Chad Kelley

The overly caffeinated chef dad taking you down the rabbit hole of caffeinated knowledge

Once upon a brew, in a land not so far away, a curious blend of coffee and fungi emerged – and no, this isn’t the beginning of a fairy tale. It’s the story of how mushroom coffee came into our lives, and let me tell you, it’s a wild ride!

Enjoying her Oat Milk Coffee

As we embark on this caffeinated journey down the rabbit hole of coffee, we’ll unravel the mysteries of this peculiar beverage that’s sweeping the nation.

Hold on to your mugs, and get ready to discover:

  • What exactly is mushroom coffee?

  • Does mushroom coffee have caffeine?

  • Is mushroom coffee good for you?

  • The best tasting mushroom coffees to replace your morning joe

  • Whether mushroom coffee is less acidic

Stay tuned, folks, because we’re diving headfirst into the fascinating world of mushroom coffee!

Table of Contents

What is Mushroom Coffee?

Mushroom coffee, as the name suggests, is a unique blend of ground coffee beans and mushroom extracts. It’s not a magical potion, but it does offer some extraordinary benefits that your regular cup of joe might not.

This delightful concoction combines the bold flavors of coffee with the earthy, nutritious goodness of mushrooms to create a drink that’s not just tasty, but also packed with nutrients.

Reishi Mushrooms growing on a fallen log surrounded by deep green moss

The history of mushroom coffee can be traced back to ancient China and Finland, where medicinal mushrooms like chaga and reishi were used for their healing properties. It wasn’t until recently, though, that these mushrooms found their way into our coffee cups, thanks to innovative health enthusiasts and a growing interest in functional beverages.

There are several types of mushrooms that can be used in mushroom coffee, each with its own unique set of benefits. Some popular options include:

Chaga Mushrooms growing on a tree in the forest
  • Chaga: Known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, chaga has been dubbed the “King of Medicinal Mushrooms.”

  • Reishi: This mushroom is famous for its immune-boosting and stress-reducing effects, earning it the nickname “The Mushroom of Immortality.”

  • Lion’s Mane: Boasting cognitive-enhancing properties, Lion’s Mane has become a favorite among those looking to improve focus and mental clarity.

  • Cordyceps: Praised for its ability to boost energy and endurance, cordyceps is popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

With the spotlight on these mighty mushrooms, it’s no wonder that mushroom coffee has become a popular beverage choice for those seeking a healthier, nutrient-packed alternative to their regular java fix.

Related Article: Drip Coffee vs Pour Over: Master the Art of Coffee Brewing with Bee House

Farm Raised Cordyceps

Does Mushroom Coffee Have Caffeine?

A burning question for many is whether mushroom coffee has caffeine. The answer is yes, but with a slight twist. 

Mushroom coffee does contain caffeine, but in most cases, it has a lower caffeine content than a standard cup of coffee. This is because the mushroom extracts dilute the overall concentration of caffeine.

The actual caffeine content in mushroom coffee depends on the specific blend and brand. For instance, some mushroom coffee products are formulated with a 50-50 mix of coffee and mushroom extracts, while others may contain a higher or lower proportion of coffee. Additionally, the type of coffee beans used in the blend can also influence the caffeine content.

It’s worth noting that the lower caffeine content in mushroom coffee doesn’t mean a compromise on energy and alertness. Many mushroom varieties, such as cordyceps, are known to promote natural energy and stamina, effectively compensating for the reduced caffeine levels.

So, if you’re sensitive to caffeine or just looking to cut back a little, mushroom coffee can be a great alternative. You’ll still get that familiar caffeine kick, but with the added bonus of the beneficial properties of mushrooms.

Related Article: Chai Latte Revealed: Why Everyone’s Raving About This Spiced Delight

Is Mushroom Coffee Good for You?

As you sip on your mushroom-infused brew, you might wonder if mushroom coffee is genuinely good for you. The answer is a resounding yes! Mushroom coffee boasts a myriad of health benefits that can give your regular cup of joe a run for its money. Let’s take a closer look at some of the advantages associated with the popular mushrooms used in these blends:

Mushroom Coffee Chaga:

  • Rich in antioxidants: Chaga mushroom is packed with antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals, potentially reducing oxidative stress and the risk of chronic diseases.

  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Chaga’s anti-inflammatory effects may help alleviate inflammation-related issues and support overall health.

  • Immune system support: This powerful mushroom is believed to stimulate the immune system, helping your body fight off infections and illnesses.

Cup of Chaga Mushroom tea on a wooden table next to a piece of birch with chaga growing on it and ground chaga mushrooms in the background

Lion’s Mane Mushroom Coffee:

  • Cognitive enhancement: Lion’s Mane mushroom has been shown to promote neurogenesis, which can lead to improved memory, focus, and overall cognitive function.

  • Mood regulation: Some studies suggest that Lion’s Mane may help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression by promoting the production of mood-regulating neurotransmitters.

  • Neuroprotective effects: Lion’s Mane contains compounds that may protect against neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

While mushroom coffee offers numerous health benefits, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects and precautions. Some people may experience allergies or digestive issues when consuming certain types of mushrooms. Additionally, if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, it’s wise to consult your healthcare provider before incorporating mushroom coffee into your daily routine.

The Cognitive Brain

Best Tasting Mushroom Coffees to Replace Your Morning Joe

Now that you’re well-versed in the wonders of mushroom coffee, you might be eager to discover the best tasting blends to replace your regular morning cup. Fret not, because we’ve got you covered with our top mushroom coffee recommendations that will delight your taste buds. So if you are questioning the differences between Mudwtr vs Ryze vs Everyday Dose, we have you covered:

Bag of Four Sigmatic Ground Coffee with Lion's Mane and Chaga Mushrooms

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee with Lion’s Mane & Chaga:

This popular blend combines the cognitive benefits of Lion’s Mane with the antioxidant powerhouse that is Chaga, offering a smooth, earthy flavor with a medium-bodied, medium roast side. They also have this available in individual packs if you need instant mushroom coffee while on the road.

Bag of Laird Superfood Functional Mushroom Coffee

Laird Superfood Mushroom Coffee:

Combining organic Arabica coffee beans with Chaga, Cordyceps, and Lion’s Mane mushrooms, this blend provides an energizing and flavorful experience that’ll make your morning cup a supercharged delight.

Packets of Instant Mushroom Coffee from Sun Alchemy

Sun Alchemy Instant Mushroom Coffee:

Sun Alchemy combines organic coffee with chaga, lion’s mane, cordyceps, and reishi mushrooms to create a powerful, antioxidant-rich blend. Their focus on quality ingredients and sustainable sourcing ensures a delicious and beneficial mushroom coffee experience

Jar of Ground Mushroom Coffee Powder from La Republica Superfoods

La Republica Superfoods Mushroom Coffee:

La Republica combines organic coffee with a potent blend of seven different mushrooms, including chaga, reishi, lion’s mane, cordyceps, and turkey tail. Their focus on quality ingredients and sustainable sourcing ensures a delicious and health-boosting mushroom coffee experience.

Jar of beyond Brew Mushroom Powder Coffee with images of the mushrooms found inside. Cordyceps, Chaga mushroom, Lions Mane mushroom and Reishi Mushroom powder

Beyond Brew Mushroom Superfood Coffee:

Beyond Brew offers a unique blend of high-quality, fair-trade coffee beans and a mix of functional mushrooms, such as chaga, reishi, and lion’s mane. Their mushroom coffee provides a rich, robust flavor while promoting cognitive function, immune support, and overall wellness.

Bag of Ryze Mushroom Coffee

RYZE Mushroom Coffee:

RYZE offers a unique coffee-free blend of six medicinal mushrooms, including chaga, reishi, lion’s mane, cordyceps, turkey tail, and shiitake, combined with cinnamon and cacao for a rich and satisfying flavor. The blend is designed to support immune function, mental clarity, and overall wellness without the caffeine found in regular coffee.

Note on purchasing Ryze from Amazon – If you are wanting to try this brand I strongly suggest you purchase directly through them as shady retailers are reselling their products on Amazon for double the price. (I have no affiliation with Ryze nor do make money from your purchase with Ryze)

Related Article: Does Cinnamon Reduce Acid in Coffee?

MUD/WTR start kit with Chai Mushroom Coffee Powder, a small hand held frother and a packet of their creamer.


MUD/WTR is a unique, low-caffeine alternative to coffee that features a blend of organic mushrooms, including Chaga, Reishi, Lion’s Mane, and Cordyceps, along with various other functional ingredients like cacao, turmeric, and cinnamon. Of all the mushroom coffees I’ve sampled this one probably has the most mushroom coffee taste.  

This well-rounded, subtly spiced drink not only provides the health benefits of mushrooms but also offers a delicious and comforting flavor profile that’s perfect for those seeking a mindful morning ritual.

To brew the perfect cup of mushroom coffee, follow the instructions on the package or use your preferred brewing method. For an extra creamy touch, you can add a splash of your favorite milk, creamer, or even MCT oil (à la Bulletproof Coffee) to enhance the flavor and texture.

With these fantastic options at your disposal, you’ll undoubtedly find a mushroom coffee blend that suits your taste preferences while delivering the health-boosting properties you’re looking for. Cheers to a healthier, tastier morning cup!

Related Article: Unleash Your Brain’s Potential With Lion’s Mane Elixir

Is Mushroom Coffee Less Acidic?

One of the concerns many coffee drinkers have is the acidity of their beloved beverage, which can sometimes lead to digestive discomfort or exacerbate conditions like acid reflux. If you’re one of those people, you’ll be pleased to know that mushroom coffee is generally less acidic than regular coffee.

Mushroom coffee’s lower acidity can be attributed to the addition of mushroom extracts, which help balance out the overall pH of the beverage. Furthermore, the specific type of coffee beans used in the blend, as well as the roasting process, can also influence the acidity levels. For instance, dark roasted beans and Arabica beans tend to be less acidic compared to their light roasted and Robusta counterparts.

The benefits of consuming a low-acidic coffee like mushroom coffee include:

  • Reduced risk of acid reflux and heartburn

  • Lower likelihood of experiencing stomach discomfort

  • Potential enamel protection, as highly acidic beverages can weaken tooth enamel

So, if you’ve been searching for a coffee alternative that’s easier on your stomach without sacrificing taste or energy-boosting properties, mushroom coffee might just be the perfect solution. With its lower acidity and myriad of health benefits, you can enjoy your daily cup of mushroom coffee with peace of mind and a happy tummy.

Related Article: Alkaline Coffee: A Low Acidic Alternative for Coffee Lovers Everywhere

Mushroom Coffee vs. Other Coffee Alternatives

While mushroom coffee has taken the spotlight in recent years, it’s not the only coffee alternative available. Let’s compare the best mushroom coffee made to other popular options, highlighting their unique characteristics, flavor profiles, and benefits:


Made from finely ground green tea leaves, matcha is a vibrant, antioxidant-rich powder known for its earthy, umami flavor. It contains caffeine, but at a lower level than traditional coffee, offering a more sustained energy boost without the jitters. Matcha is often used in lattes, smoothies, and baked goods.

Chicory Coffee:

Chicory coffee is a caffeine-free coffee substitute made from roasted and ground chicory root. It has a rich, slightly nutty flavor that resembles coffee and is often used as a coffee extender or in blends for those looking to reduce their caffeine intake. Chicory is also high in inulin, a prebiotic fiber that supports gut health.

Barley Coffee:

Barley coffee, another caffeine-free option, is made from roasted and ground barley grains. It has a mild, slightly sweet flavor that’s reminiscent of coffee but with a unique, toasty undertone. Barley coffee is often enjoyed as a warming beverage on its own or mixed with other coffee substitutes to create custom blends.

Each of these alternatives offers a distinct flavor profile and specific health benefits, just like mushroom coffee. While matcha provides antioxidant properties and a unique umami taste, chicory coffee offers gut health support and a nutty flavor. Barley coffee, on the other hand, delivers a mild, toasty experience without the caffeine.

In the end, the choice of coffee alternative depends on your personal preferences, health goals, and taste buds. Consider giving these options a try alongside mushroom coffee to discover which one (or perhaps a combination) best suits your needs and satisfies your cravings.

Related Article: 5+ Amazing Benefits of Drinking Date Seed Coffee

Key Takeaways

As we reach the end of our caffeinated journey, let’s take a moment to reflect on the most significant insights we’ve gathered about mushroom and coffee consumption:

  • Mushroom coffee is a blend of ground coffee beans and mushroom extracts, offering a unique, nutrient-packed alternative to regular coffee.

  • While mushroom coffee does contain caffeine, it usually has a lower caffeine content than traditional coffee. The exact amount depends on the specific blend and brand.

  • Mushroom coffee is good for you, boasting numerous health benefits such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, cognitive enhancement, and immune system support, depending on the type of mushrooms used.

  • Some of the best tasting mushroom coffee blends to replace your morning joe include Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee, Laird Superfood Mushroom Coffee, and MUD/WTR.

  • Mushroom coffee is generally less acidic than regular coffee, making it a gentler option for those with sensitive stomachs or acid reflux concerns.

  • When compared to other coffee alternatives like matcha, chicory coffee, and barley coffee, mushroom coffee offers unique health benefits and flavor profiles, making it a worthwhile addition to your list of beverage options.

With these key takeaways in mind, you’re now equipped with the knowledge to explore the fascinating world of mushroom coffee and enjoy a healthier, more flavorful morning brew.

The Dawn of a New Brew

As we bid farewell to our enchanting expedition into the realm of mushroom coffee, it’s clear that this unique beverage is more than just a fad. Offering a captivating combination of robust coffee flavor and the myriad health benefits of medicinal mushrooms, mushroom coffee is the perfect choice for those seeking a wholesome, delicious alternative to their morning cup of joe.

Armed with newfound knowledge and a taste for adventure, we encourage you to dive headfirst into the world of mushroom coffee. Give your taste buds a treat and your body a boost by embracing this nutrient-packed elixir. With every sip, you’ll be reminded that sometimes, the best discoveries lie just beyond the rabbit hole.

Additional Resources

Still wanting a little more convincing before you start drinking mushroom coffee rather than your morning coffee? Let me guess, you are one of the coffee lovers that needs a little extra information. I get that. After all the words Mushroom and Coffee really should not be used in the same sentence…ever!

But when I was faced with health issues and needed, forced to, make changes to my routine I jumped on board the idea of functional coffee and coffee alternatives. I had!!! Zero regrets later I still enjoy many of these every day.

Related Article: Coffee Revolution: How Oat Milk Is Transforming Your Daily Brew

Mushroom Coffee Brands: Find Your Perfect Brew

With the growing popularity of mushroom coffee, several brands have emerged, offering unique blends, flavors, and health benefits. To help you choose the best mushroom coffee brands right for you, let’s take a closer look at some of the top mushroom coffee brands, including new additions Sun Alchemy and RYZE Mushroom Coffee.

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee (coffee based):

This popular brand uses organic Arabica coffee beans mixed with lion’s mane, chaga, and cordyceps mushroom extracts. Four Sigmatic’s blends are praised for their smooth taste, energizing effects, and cognitive benefits. I keep a few packets of their instant coffee packs on hand for the times that well… time is not on my side.

Laird Superfood Mushroom Coffee (coffee based):

Combining high-quality coffee beans with chaga, maitake, and cordyceps mushrooms, Laird Superfood offers a delicious and healthful mushroom coffee experience. Their blends also include functional ingredients such as coconut milk powder and Aquamin™, a marine plant-based calcium source.

La Republica Superfoods Mushroom Coffee (coffee based):

La Republica combines organic coffee with a potent blend of seven different mushrooms, including chaga, reishi, lion’s mane, cordyceps, and turkey tail. Their focus on quality ingredients and sustainable sourcing ensures a delicious and health-boosting mushroom coffee experience.

Beyond Brew Mushroom Superfood Coffee (coffee based):

Beyond Brew offers a unique blend of high-quality, fair-trade coffee beans and a mix of functional mushrooms, such as chaga, reishi, and lion’s mane. Their mushroom coffee provides a rich, robust flavor while promoting cognitive function, immune support, and overall wellness.

MUD/WTR (mushroom blend with added spices, no actual coffee):

MUD/WTR offers a unique, coffee-free blend of cacao, chai spices, and a variety of mushrooms, including chaga, reishi, lion’s mane, and cordyceps. It provides a rich, earthy flavor with a hint of sweetness, along with numerous health benefits and a gentle energy boost from the natural caffeine found in cacao.

Sun Alchemy Mushroom Coffee (coffee based):

Sun Alchemy combines organic coffee with chaga, lion’s mane, cordyceps, and reishi mushrooms to create a powerful, antioxidant-rich blend. Their focus on quality ingredients and sustainable sourcing ensures a delicious and beneficial mushroom coffee experience.

RYZE Mushroom Coffee (mushroom blend with added spices, no actual coffee):

RYZE offers a unique coffee-free blend of six medicinal mushrooms, including chaga, reishi, lion’s mane, cordyceps, turkey tail, and shiitake, combined with cinnamon and cacao for a rich and satisfying flavor. The blend is designed to support immune function, mental clarity, and overall wellness without the caffeine found in regular coffee.

With so many fantastic mushroom coffee brands to choose from, finding the perfect blend that suits your taste preferences and health goals is easier than ever. Whether you prefer a coffee-based option or a mushroom blend with added spices, there’s a mushroom coffee out there for everyone.

Everyday Dose Mushroom Coffee (Mushroom Blend with Coffee Extract):

This mushroom coffee was created with the purpose of feeding your coffee addiction but without the jitters. When you compare Everyday Dose vs Ryze you will find they are close but at the same time very different. Everyday Dose has less caffeine per cup while also adding collagen and L-Theanine. Everyday Dose also uses Lion’s Mane and Chaga exclusively, no other mushroom is blended in for bulk.

Additional Functional Mushrooms Found in Mushroom Coffee

Mushroom coffee combines the energizing effects of coffee with the health benefits of functional mushrooms. These unique fungi boast a range of therapeutic properties, such as immune support, cognitive enhancement, and stress reduction. Let’s dive into some of the most common functional mushroom types used in mushroom coffee:

Turkey Tail Mushrooms

Photo Credit: The Sophisticated Caveman

Turkey Tail Mushrooms (Trametes versicolor):

Known for their beautiful, fan-like appearance, turkey tail mushrooms have a long history in traditional medicine. They contain polysaccharides, like beta-glucans, which are believed to support the immune system. Turkey tail mushrooms also exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, promoting overall well-being and immune health.

Assorted King Trumpet Mushrooms

King Trumpet Mushrooms (Pleurotus eryngii):

Also known as the king oyster mushroom, the king trumpet mushroom is prized for its meaty texture and rich umami flavor. While less common in mushroom coffee, it contains a variety of nutrients, such as vitamins B1, B2, and D, as well as minerals like selenium, zinc, and copper. King trumpet mushrooms also offer immune support and have antioxidant properties.

These functional mushrooms, among others, contribute to the unique health benefits and flavors found in mushroom coffee. By incorporating these powerful fungi into your morning brew, you can enjoy a delicious, energizing beverage that supports your overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I make mushroom coffee at home?

Absolutely! Making mushroom coffee at home is simple and requires just a few ingredients. Start by purchasing your preferred mushroom extracts or powders from a reputable source. Mix the mushroom powder with your favorite ground coffee beans at a ratio that suits your taste preferences (typically, around 1:1 or 1:2). Then, brew your mushroom coffee blend using your preferred brewing method, such as a drip coffee maker, French press, or pour-over. Enjoy!

How does mushroom coffee affect energy levels?

Mushroom coffee provides a gentle, sustained energy boost due to its caffeine content and the energy-enhancing properties of certain mushrooms, such as cordyceps. The lower caffeine content compared to regular coffee helps prevent jitters and energy crashes, while the adaptogenic nature of some mushrooms helps your body better respond to stress, further promoting stable energy levels throughout the day.

Can I drink mushroom coffee if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

While mushroom coffee offers numerous health benefits, it’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider before consuming any new products or supplements during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Certain mushrooms may have effects that are not well-studied in pregnant or nursing individuals, and it’s important to consider the caffeine content as well.

Is mushroom coffee suitable for vegans and vegetarians?

Yes, mushroom coffee is generally suitable for vegans and vegetarians as it contains plant-based ingredients. However, it’s essential to check the specific product’s label to ensure it doesn’t contain any non-vegan additives, such as milk-derived creamers or flavorings.

Can I mix mushroom coffee with other types of coffee?

Of course! Feel free to mix mushroom coffee with other coffee types to create a unique blend that suits your taste preferences. Combining mushroom coffee with regular coffee can help you customize the caffeine content, flavor profile, and acidity levels, allowing you to create your perfect morning brew.

Is There a Mushroom Coffee with MCT?

You can find a few mushroom coffee brands out there that have MCT added, sure. Personally I don’t like this as everyone reacts differently to MCT oil. If you are integrating MCT oil into your diet I would strongly suggest buying a small container like this Organic MCT Oil so you can have complete control of how much you are taking in. Start small and work your way up.